Solo album:

 (Back story) In 2019, as part of my master's degree in creative writing, I wrote all the lyrics to a solo project. The lyrical concepts are all snapshots of different parts of my life where I learned valuable lessons with a good dose of artistic license to make them both more universally appealing and more dramatic. With both the lyrics and the music, I chose to weave in references to music and literature that inspired me along the way. I may have a contest to see who can find all of them. The next phase of the project is to finally get to record something with all of the excellent musicians it is my privilege to call friends. Because of our busy schedules, we never have time to just get together and make music. I’m still finding time to get a few last performances recorded, then I’ll be on to mixing, mastering and releasing. ...and artwork and layout and all that stuff. Still, I am targeting a release in the fall of 2023, which I think is an actual attainable goal this time.

Here is a hint of what is to come:
1. A Different Empire: A song about how my hometown changed and how I changed after I left.

2. I Am, I Think, I Will: A song about growing up and finding my identity.

3. An Old Photograph of the Future: A song about the 1860’s farmhouse I lived in and how the fact
that it had endured 150 years gave me hope in some dark times. (This song was written before
the pandemic.)

4. An 80’s Youth: A song about the dangers of nostalgia.
And seven other soon-to-be classics!

During the writing of Lessons, Part 1, I have also managed to write about half of ANOTHER solo
album, which hopefully won’t take as long to complete. Predictably, it will be called Lessons, Part 2.